Q.1.3 July 2015
Page 6
Quick Start Guide
© Copyright 2015 KE2 Therm Solutions, Inc., Washington, Missouri 63090
Liquid Line Solenoid /Compressor Relay
the liquid line solenoid pluggable connector is supplied with an
in-line fuse to protect the controllers circuitry.
Locate a 3-position connector from the accessories kit.
Fasten the incoming power to the fused lead and the lead from the
liquid line solenoid to the NO terminal position.
Plug into the location as indicated in Wiring Schematic.
Liquid Line Solenoid (LLS)/Comp. Relay Using KE2 Wire Harness
The yellow wires are used for Liquid Line Solenoid control.
Locate a 3-position connector from the accessories kit.
Fasten the black with yellow stripe to the fused lead.
Fasten yellow w. black stripe from the LLS to NO terminal position.
Plug into the location as indicated in Wiring Schematic.
Max relay rating is 3A.
Auxiliary Relay
If using the Auxiliary Relay, the installer will need to supply an ad-
ditional pair of wires to the controller
Strip approx. 1/4” wire insulation on end of the 2 wires for the alarm
Locate a 3-position connector from the accessories kit.
Plug into the location as indicated in Wiring Schematic.
Max relay rating is 3A.
Preparing the Evaporator
The evaporator wiring will require access to the high voltage termi-
nal block on the coil.
Turn off power to the system.
Verify power is no longer present using a multimeter.
Before installing the safety cover, plug in any remaining connec-
tors to store for future use.
Install Safety cover
Once all of the high voltage wiring is complete, install the metal
cover on the controller.
Locate the cover and 3 small screws from the accessories kit.
Position the cover over the 3 mounting posts.
Using 2 course thread screws attach controller to the plastic posts.
Use the fine threaded machine screw with lock washer to fasten the
controller to the metal post.
Set the controller in a safe place.
Evaporator wiring
Now that the conduit is prepared, it can be connected to the
Locate the proper sized knockout and carefully remove knockout.
Connect conduit to the evaporator