Q.1.3 July 2015
Page 15
© Copyright 2015 KE2 Therm Solutions, Inc., Washington, Missouri 63090
Quick Start Guide
Table 1 shows the menu structure of the controller. The default dis-
play of the controller always displays the actual room temperature.
Pressing the ENTER button will display room temp ROOM TEMP.
Pressing the up and down arrows moves the display through the
VARIABLES menu. See Controller Navigation on page 16. By de-
fault, the controller only allows access to the room temperature. The
VARIABLES menu consists of the current sensor readings and the
relays’ state. The User Password (1111) only provides access to the
ROOM TEMP setpoint.
For the protection of the system, access to the SETPOINT and
MANUAL control requires an Installer Password (2222). Pressing
the right or left arrow will move from the Variables menu to the next
menu, shown in the Controller Navigation on page 16 a complete list
of parameters is shown in Table 3.
Pressing the BACK key at any time will return the user to next level
up the menu. A second press will either return to the Main Menu or
to the room temperature reading.
Table 2 - Introduction Mode
Mechanical Valve
4 steps
Defined EEV
5 steps
Custom EEV
8 steps
Room Temp
Room Temp
Room Temp
Defrost Type
Defrost Type
Defrost Type
Valve Type
Valve Type
Valve Type
Smart Access
Smart Access
Motor Type
Motor Step Rate
Max Valve Steps
Smart Access
Web Login
When accesssing the controller using the webpage, the Username
and Password are required.
The defaults are set as: User: ke2admin
Password: ke2admin
IMPORTANT: The Password should be changed from the default
for security purposes.
User Interface
The KE2 Evap’s onboard user interface uses a familiar 6-button ar-
rangement to simplify navigation through the controller’s menus.
The menu has been grouped by category to provide an easy to pro-
gram structure. By grouping the menu by each functional area, the
user is not required to scroll though unrelated setpoints to access the
desired functionality.
The left and right arrows move between the categories. When
pressed while in a menu, the left and right arrows will move to the
main screen or the adjacent menu.
The up and down arrows move the user through the available op-
tions for each group. All users are allowed access to the variable
alarms. All other information is password protected to prevent unau-
thorized access to the controller’s functionality.
The ENTER button is used to save an input option when it has been
changed. The enter button must be held for 3 seconds to prevent
accidental changes. Changes may be discarded by waiting, to allow
the controller to timeout and return to default screen, or hitting the
BACK button.
The BACK button is used to return to the previous screen. Pressing
the BACK button twice at any time will return the user to the default
view. See Table 1.
Controller Setup
Upon initially applying power to the controller, the controller will ini-
tialize, then automatically enter the Introduction Mode. The Intro-
duction Mode consists of as little as 3 setpoints that must be config-
ured for KE2 Evap to begin controlling the system. See Table 2.
The first setpoint the user is asked to enter is the desired ROOM
TEMP. This is followed by the DEFROST TYPE. The controller is de-
signed to work with electric, hot gas, and off time defrosts. The last
setpoint is the VALVE TYPE. The controller is defaulted to be used
with a mechanical valve, but may be used with a variety of EEVs, in-
cluding a customer defined valve.
To easily view your controller on-
line enable SMART ACCESS.
These are the only setpoints required to begin controlling the sys-
tem, when applied on a single evaporator with a mechanical valve.
If using a standard/predefined EEV, the user will also be prompted to
specify the REFRIGERANT. The KE2 Evap may also be applied to user
defined EEVs. When this option is selected, the user will be prompted
Once these have been set, the KE2 Evap will begin controlling EEV
and the system.
Adjusting Controller Parameters
The controller has the ability to access an abundance of informa-
tion from the 4-digit alphanumeric display. However, the controller
requires a password, adding a degree of protection from unwanted
modifications. The controller will prompt the user for a password
PASSWORD when the user attempts to access setpoints they do not
have permission to change.