REV 1.0.8 (Last Modified March 1, 2021)
10 | 30
R E V 1 . 0 . 8
The ESC ID will be updated (displayed at the top of the Device Manager window).
If the ID displayed is “
” then
the ID is uninitialized and uses
as its ID.
The MCU ID represents the unique ID of the STM32 CPU in the ESC.
Figure 6: Updated ESC ID
Method 2 (ESC Enumeration)
The ESC enumeration message allows the master to send a message to all ESCs. The user can then manually
rotate motors connected to the ESCs and the ESCs will respond with their unique MCU ID.
The ESC ID must be
unique on a single CAN bus network. The CAN bus protocol does not allow different nodes to transmit CAN
frames with different data field values under the same ID. The ESC Enumeration message violates this
constraint as all ESCs share the same ESC ID of 1.
To work around this problem, KDECAN dynamically changes the extended frame ID of enumeration messages.
The source and destination in the extended frame ID field is filled with an auto incrementing value (every 2ms).
This approach limits the maximum time sent in an enumeration message to 131 seconds, but ensures that there
will be no CAN bus errors triggered by ID collisions.
To begin, send an Enumeration message through the master to the ESCs. Then rotate motors (1/2 turn) in the
order you want to assign the ESC IDs. Once the master receives the MCU IDs, it will then send a message to set
the IDs in the order the motors were rotated.