REV 1.0.8 (Last Modified March 1, 2021)
27 | 30
R E V 1 . 0 . 8
What is the ESC ID if it is not assigned?
ESCs with an unassigned ID (initialized ID) have an ID of 0x01.
What happens if an ESC is not assigned an ID?
ESCs require unique IDs for direct communication with the master. Messages sent with ID 0x01 are broadcast
messages sent to all ESCs on a network. The default (unassigned ID) for an ESC is 0x01, and any attempt to
direct message this ESC will be broadcasted to all ESCs.
How do broadcast messages work?
All ESCs on the network will respond to messages sent to Extended Frame ID Destination 0x01.
What happens if I assign two or more ESCs to the same ID?
All ESCs receive the message and a potential CAN bus error can occur if the ESCs reply to the message with
different data. If they reply with the same data you will only see one message. To avoid this, set the ESCs to
have different CAN IDs (through the KDE Device Manager or through ESC Enumeration) or change the data sent
back within the CAN message.
I’m only getting 1 CAN message back from 2 ESCs, wh
at am I doing wrong?
Check the ESC IDs to ensure they are not the same. If both ESCs have the same CAN ID and send the same data
in a CAN response message, you will only see one message. To avoid this, set the ESCs to have different CAN
IDs (through the KDE Device Manager or through ESC Enumeration) or change the data sent back within the
CAN message.
How many ESCs can work on the CAN bus network?
Currently KDECAN supports 8 ESCs. Future firmware updates will support extended functions.
Primary Throttle through CAN bus
KDECAN primary throttle control through CAN bus will be a feature available in future firmware updates.
KDECAN Brand Guidelines
Brand guidelines can be found on the KDE Direct website