E-mail can be sent to other
cellphone or personal computers
that support E-mail.
E-mail is sent using an E-mail address.
Example :
About E-mail
EZweb subscription required
Application to the EZweb service is required to use E-mail. Contact au shops
or the au Customer Service Center if you did not apply to the service at the
time of purchase.
Perform the EZweb initialization before using this service. If you have not
performed initialization yet, see page 21.
E-mail is a service for sending/receiving mails to/from E-mail compatible
cellphones and personal computers via Internet E-mail addresses. Up to
5000 two-byte (10000 one-byte) characters can be sent in an E-mail
message. Still images (photos) and moving images (movies) can also be sent
via E-mail.
* For sending and receiving E-mails, a packet communication fee is charged
depending upon the amount of data transmitted.
You can send an E-mail (including Cc and Bcc) to up to 5 E-mail addresses at a time.
However, you can send an E-mail to up to 30 E-mail addresses at a time if "Adrs Count
Limit" is set to "OFF".
Up to 1000 E-mails (including the number of addresses) can be sent a day.
Transfer of E-mail with attached data may take time.