through the cylinder fins. Allow an outlet opening approximately 2 1/2 times larger than the
intake at the bottom rear of the cowl for the hot air to escape. Without this outlet opening, air
won't flow through the cowl.
• Air ducts can be made from thin plywood, balsa, fiberglass, or aluminum sheet to guide and
force air from the front inlets to and through the cylinder fins.
• Keep components like the ignition system, fuel tank, fuel lines, receivers, etc, shielded from
heat generated by canister and tuned pipe exhaust systems. Hot fuel tanks and fuel lines can
cause frustrating tuning issues, and over-heated electronic components can have
intermittent problems or total failures.
Ignition System
• When installing the ignition, please make sure that all the connecting plugs match with their
respective wires. That means black to black wires and red to red wires.
• We recommend mounting the ignition on high density foam padding with Velcro strapping.
Do not use sticky back Velcro or foam tape to mount the module. This can cause the case to
crack in the area where the tape adheres to the module and void the warranty.
• Isolate the charge circuit from the ignition while charging the batteries. In other words don’t
“charge” the ignition module.
• Keep ignition components and wiring separated, as much as possible, from your receiver,
receiver battery, servos, wiring and switches.
• Don’t use metal-to-metal linkages to operate the throttle.
• Use a 4.8 or 8.4 volt battery pack.