Safety Instructions
This motor can cause severe harm to you, and/or others, if misused or if
these safety precautions and instructions are not observed. KCS ENGINE is
not responsible for any loss, injury or damage resulting from the miss-use
of its products.
You alone are responsible for the safe operation of your motor.
This motor can stop at any time, for a variety of reasons. Do not fly your
plane in such a way that damage or harm will result if the motor stops
Do not operate this motor if you do not want to be completely responsible for any damage or
injury incurred or caused during its operation.
• Read all instructions before operating your motor.
• If you have any questions about any aspect of operating this motor, do not attempt to start or
operate it.
• Never operate the motor, or fly, alone.
• When operating the motor, never stand, or allow anyone else to stand, in front of, or to the
side of the propeller. Always stand behind the propeller.
• Keep away from the prop while operating the motor. Do not wear loose clothing near the
motor or prop. Do not run the motor near loose material such as dirt, gravel, power cords,
ropes, sand, etc. Loose material can be drawn into the turning prop causing injury or
• Always operate the motor in an open area. Do not operate indoors.
• This motor can develop tremendous thrust. Make sure the aircraft is properly secured when
starting or operating the motor.
• Inspect motor mount bolts and firewall integrity before operating the motor.
• Anyone in the immediate area of the motor should use eye protection during operation of the
• Keep spectators at least 30 feet away when operating the motor.
• Turn off the motor before making any adjustments.
• Always use the correct length propeller bolts. Do not use spacers behind the propeller.
• Spinner cones must not touch the propeller.
• Thinner props may require using shorter prop bolts, especially if not using a spinner back
• Check that the propeller bolts are tight before every flight.
• Always install an ignition kill switch to stop the motor.
• Adjust the carburetor linkage so that the motor will stop when the carburetor is completely
• Gasoline is extremely flammable. Be careful of any sparks from electrical contacts such as