fuel pumps, battery chargers, etc. Do not allow smoking in the area of your fuel supply or
motor. Store fuel in approved containers and well ventilated areas.
• Allow the motor to cool before touching or fueling.
• Always flip the prop a few revolutions after running the motor to discharge the ignition
• The ignition system develops extremely high voltage. Do not touch it during operation.
• Never use a damaged, modified, or repaired prop, or a prop that has struck the ground or any
other object. Damage that can be hard to see, could turn into disaster when the prop is
turning at thousands of RPM.
Motor Installation
• When the engine is about to be installed onto the plane, please use the bolts provided by
KCS ENGINE. They are the ones that are inside the package sent by KCS ENGINE. There
are 4x long black bolts (M5x70). These are used to assemble the engine onto the plane.
There are another 2x short black bolts (M5x45). These are used to assemble the Pitts Muffler
onto the Cylinder.
• The throttle arm is pre-tapped for a 2-56 linkage. Do not use a clevis type connector. Make
sure the carburetor's idle set screw is removed or set so that the carb can be fully closed by
the servo at low trim. Use a high quality servo for the throttle. A poor quality servo or linkage
will not provide accurate and repeatable throttle settings. Don't use metal to metal linkages.
• You can un-hook, but don't remove, the throttle return spring if the motor is not going to be
bench run.
• Do not remove the carb's choke or throttle butterfly shaft assemblies.
• Since the cowl effects air flow and pressures, we recommend that the carburetor needles can
be adjusted with the cowl on. To do this, small access holes can be made in the cowl for
using a long narrow screw driver to adjust the needle valves. Short guide tubes can often be
glued into the firewall or spacer mount to help guide the screw driver to the needles.
• A 24 oz. (or larger) fuel tank is recommended. The tank must be vented. The carb has a
strong pump, so the tank can be mounted almost anywhere in the plane. Keep the fuel line
away from any hot engine or exhaust components. The fuel line and tank stopper must be
gas compatible. Do not use any silicone sealers on the fuel system. Gas can break it down
and carry it into the carb.
• The inner diameter of the fuel tubing should be the same size or slightly larger than the
carburetor's fuel inlet fitting's inner diameter. Make sure all fuel line connections are secure.
Small nylon zip ties work well to keep the fuel line on the metal fittings. Make sure the fuel
line is secure and not touching the exhaust or cylinder fins. An inline fuel filter can be used.
We highly recommend filtering the gas entering the fuel tank from your field container.
• Cooling is critical to motor performance and longevity. Allow as much cooling air as possible
in through the front inlets of the cowl. Air must flow through the cylinder fins, not just inside
the cowl, to properly cool the motor. Don't let the air take the easy way out! Make it go
through the fins. Round cowls with large frontal openings need ducting to direct the air