Radio options menu
Channel list – Radio stations names and frequencies can be saved. When in FM
Radio pressing the corresponding key will tune into the specified frequency.
Manual input – Radio frequency can be manually entered.
Auto search – Automatically searches and saves the found frequencies.
Calculator helps you perform basic arithmetic functions, such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
The navigation keys correspond to the arithmetic function displayed in the
calculator display.
Left navigation key – Multiply
Right navigation key – Divide
Up navigation key – Add
Down navigation key – Subtract
Middle key - Equals
Alarms can be set to sound at the specified time. To add a new alarm follow these
Launch the alarm feature through the ‘Extras’ menu.
Highlight an alarm and select ‘Edit’.
In the status menu select ‘On’.
Select time for alarm to sound and repeat value.
Select ‘Options’ – ‘Save’ and alarm is set.
When an alarm is active a bell icon is displayed at the top of the idle screen and the
alarm will be checked in the list.
Calendar can be used to check the current date and plan events.
Calendar options
Jump to date: Jump the selected date.
Go to today: the date of the input query calendar information
Go to weekly/monthly view: can set the calendar display mode through week or