Call time reminder
When set, an in call beep will sound after the selected time period. This can be after
a specified number of seconds or you can select a time period after which the beep
will sound.
Answer mode
Any key – When set, any key will answer incoming calls with the exception of the right
soft key and the end key.
Auto answer when headset - When set, incoming calls will automatically be answered
if a headset is inserted.
Data account
Preloaded MMS accounts are displayed.
These accounts can be manually edited, deleted and added.
You can transfer data, such as images and videos to other devices using Bluetooth.
Search for devices and accept/transfer data. The received data is automatically
stored in your phone.
Bluetooth options
Power: Switch Bluetooth on and off
Visibility: If your device is visible other Bluetooth devices can find the phone; if you
select off, other Bluetooth devices can’t find the phone.
My device: Select to add new equipment and search for Bluetooth devices within
range of the signal. After the Bluetooth device is found, you can select the device
you wish to connect with.
My name: Modify the Bluetooth device name that other users can identify your device
Reset the phone settings to default using this feature. The phone password is
required to use this feature.
Default password is 0000.
The phone provides you with four profiles: general, silent, meeting, outdoor. The
profiles tailor the phone settings according to different environments by using a
range of different tones and alerts. These profiles can be personalised according to
your requirements.