Connection of Logo Light Source Cable
Connect the power adapter of the LED with the logo light controller, and connect the cable connection terminal on the
controller respectively with one logo light wire on the top and with two logo light wires on the bottom (sticking out of
the shell bottom). Insert the adapter plug into an external power strip.
28 Starting Installation
Insert the adapter plug into
an external power strip
Power adapter
Connection of VR Head-Mounted Display and Base Station
Install the base stations in diagonals in the surrounding space of the KAT WALK. To obtain the best tracking, the distance
between two base stations cannot exceed five meters, and they should be more than two meters above the ground with
an inclination angle of 30°~45° around downwards. Please make sure no object blocks the board in the front.
You may refer to the user manual for head-mounted display for the detailed installation procedures.
With the completion of the cable arrangement for the three-in-one connecting cable of the head-mounted display, the
three cables sticking out of the girder head need to be inserted into their corresponding socket as per instructed in the
user manual for head-mounted display. The other end sticks out along the cable hole of the support pillar shell and
connects with the link box and with the KAT STATION and the power strip.
You may refer to the user manual for head-mounted display for the detailed cable connection requirements and attention
Three-in-one connecting cable
on the HTC VIVE head-mounted display
telescopic stick