After attaching the unit to the float according to fountain/aerator instructions, push the clips into recess
es on float until you hear an audible click indicating the fixture is secure.
Ensure clip is
fully seated
on float
Repeat for remaining fixtures, spacing evenly around the float. Adjust the angle of the lights if desired,
being sure to use the same angle for all fixtures. Cable ties can be used to attach fixture cords to float
to decrease play and ensure protection. Cable tie (O) light kit power
cord to float opposite the fountain
power cord for balance and to prevent damage from the fountain. Upon installation of the assembled
unit, connect the light kit to a field-installed GFCI protected outlet and timer. Remember:
LEDC11 fix
tures MUST be properly submerged (approximately halfway) to avoid overheating.
Secure light kit power
cord to float using
supplied cable ties.
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