The user will see the number “92672030” through the screen as a call source. When
this calling is got as a missed call by the phone, the user can call this number by
pressing the single “OK” key. The main purpose of this facility is providing to redial such
a missed call within the defined line access code with a single key.
For FT10, if “Home Area Code” has been defined as “0212” and there is a call with the
number of “0212 2672030” received, in this case the code “0212” will be erased from
the head of the number and only the number “2672030” will be displayed on the
When there is a returning parked call and the telephone is ringing, the caller
ID is displayed together with the access code of line.
When Last Number Redial option is used, only line access code was
displayed on FT20 display. This is modified so that dialled number is also