When you visit the portal for the first time, please
register under a new account. Please enter the
following data:
• Access code
• Your e-mail address
• Password
• Radio model (Jupiter 6.5C)
If you have already set up an account and want to
add an additional radio, log on and select
My pre-
ferences > Add another Wi-Fi radio
To register your KAPSCH Capri125 PLUS on the
portal, switch to Internet Radio mode, and obtain
your unique access code by selecting
Menu >
Station List > Help > Get Access Code. Make a
note of your access code.
The access code showed is only valid for a
few minutes. If you do not register within this period,
you will need to repeat the procedure above, re-
quest a new access code, and try again.
6.7 Music Player Mode
You can play audio files, such as MP3, WMA or
FLAC, from a computer via the local network or
from a USB stick or external hard drive using the
“Music Player” mode.
6.7.1 Shared media (Playback from a
UPnP server)
If you have shared media files (see Section 6.7.6
“Set Up Music Server”), you should see the fol-
lowing: <computer name>: <name of the shared
media>. Example: “PC123: Audio.” If there is more
than one computer with shared media files on your
network, these will also be listed. Select the shared
media files that you want to play.
Here, the menus of the device that is functioning
as the media server are generated (normally, this is
Windows Media Player). A list of the media types is
shown in the first menu, e.g., music, video, photos,
and playlists. The KAPSCH Capri125 PLUS can
only play music and playlists.
6.7.2 Prune Servers
From time to time, it may be necessary to remove
servers from the server list that are shown with a
question mark in front of the name. This may be
the case, for example, when the device is moved to
another network or the server is removed from the
current network.
6.7.3 USB Playback
Here, menus are generated based on the folder
structure of the USB device. You can navigate
through the folders by pressing the selection button
and the back button. The folder and file names are
shown (these may not necessarily match the names
of the songs). When you have found the songs
that you want to hear, press “OK.” If you press the
button briefly, the piece will be played immediately.
If you press and hold the button when the song is
displayed or playing, it will be added to “My Play-
list.” It is also possible to add entire folders to “My
6.7.4 My Playlist
A playlist’s songs can come from several UPnP ser-
vers (if available) and one connected USB device.
To remove a song from the playlist, press and hold
the ENTER/OK button and confirm the security
prompt that appears afterwards with YES.
6.7.5 Repeat/Shuffle
You can repeat songs or play them in a random
6.7.6 Setting Up a Music Server
In order to play music files from a computer using
the KAPSCH Capri125 PLUS audio system, the
computer needs to be set up so that files and me-
dia are shared. With the UPnP media sharing fea-
ture, devices such as the KAPSCH Capri125 PLUS
6. Music