EGT – Exhaust Gas Temperature
Daqu — Manual
Figure 15:
Hose clamp type EGT probe (left), bayonet type EGT probe
EGT probes are typically placed on the exhaust pipes. Correct placement is
important to get precise readings. The placement may vary between engine
type and model and exhaust pipe construction. Consult your engine manual
for proper EGT probe placement.
Usually, most appropriate position is 5 – 20 cm from the cylinder. For best
results, mount all probes at the same distance from each cylinder. Gases in
the exhaust pipe are cooling very quickly and installing probes at different
distances may result in different temperatures. (Difference between the EGT
temperatures are more important than the actual absolute temperatures.)
A probe can come loose during the flight due to vibrations and can come in
contact with the propeller or engine parts. Use safety wire on each probe to
prevent this and to keep the probe in its place.
Any leak in the exhaust system can cause carbon monoxide to enter the cock-
pit (cabin), which may cause severe (lethal) poisoning. A detailed inspection
of the final installation and a carbon monoxide detector are highly recom-
Channels A7 – A10 are labeled as EGTs, but any A channel can be used to
connect a thermocouple.
Polarization is very important. Connect positive wire to + pin and negative
wire to – pin of the same A channel. See Figure 8 for proper connection
A tip of the thermocouple probe can electrically isolated or non-isolated. Any
multimeter can be used to find this out.
Hose Clamp Type
Mark a spot on the exhaust pipe, where the probe will
be installed. Make sure that the spot is on the straight portion of the pipe