Error code Cause
appears at
the top
left of the
failure (no link)
between the
remote control
and the fire (e.g. if
the remote control
is new)
Open the cover of the technical unit installed near
the fire and locate the (flashing) yellow indicator
light on the burner control. Next to the yellow
indicator light is a small black button that you will
need to push down at a later step. Hold down the
button on the remote control until ‘NOLK 0’
displays and then release the button; if ‘NOLK 1’
displays, select
again until ‘NOLK 0’ displays.
Then hold down the small black button in the
technical unit until the yellow indicator light begins
to flash rapidly. Immediately (within 10 seconds)
and hold it down until ‘LINK’ begins to
flash on the screen. Wait until ‘LINK 1’ displays
and then release the
button. Press
and the display will return to normal and a static
RF icon
will appear.