© KALEAS GmbH & Co. KG
Measured value memory
All measured and computed values can be saved. The values are
stored together with their unit of measurement (length, surface ar-
ea or volume). Calculated values are stored together with the re-
spective individual values.
A total of 32 memory addresses are available. The memory is occu-
pied according to the "first in, first out" principle. When a value is
stored, it is saved to memory address 1. All other values are shifted
up by one memory address, and the value stored in memory ad-
dress 20 is deleted.
The contents of the memory cannot be explicitly cleared.
Saving readings
>2 s
Display [10]
The value from the display [4] is saved to the buffer
and memory address 1
Retrieving measured values from the buffer
The buffer allows quick access to a single memory value. The buffer
is ideally suited if you plan to use a value multiple times.
Display [10]
Display [4]
Value from buffer
The value is available for use in all functions.
: You want to determine the volumes of several rooms with
the same ceiling height. Measure the room height once and store
the value to the buffer by pressing the [T2] button longer than 2
seconds. Then insert the value as the height when using the volume
function by pressing buttons [T2] and [T1] successively to retrieve
the value and apply it.
Retrieving measured values from the memory
Display [10]