Suspension Loop and Axial Parts
VII. Menu, keyboard and parameter setting
Key description(One key is multi-purpose)
1. EXIT: Long press 6 seconds exit setting and return work interface in parameter setting
2. +: Pageup or +1 key.
-Model long press in main interface will enter basic parameter
modification interface.
3. -: Pagedown or -1 key.
4. SET: Save: press it to remove the cursor after parameter setting. The the parameter
will be completed and saved. Setting/Shifting: press it enter parameter
setting/modification in parameter setting status, then use for shifting. Long press 6
seconds enter password interface.
Password input(Under Engineering Mode)
The password must be inputted when modify status and parameter. Password can be set
arbitrarily in 5 digit number between 00000~99999, the default is 00000. In the working
status, long press “set” key more than 6 seconds, the converter password state “password
000000” will come out, press again “set” key and the first password digit display by white
line. Then use “+/-” to modify. Press “set” again to remove the white line below next digit.
Repeat 5 times and press “set” after complete to return parameter setting status.
Parameter setting and modification
When the instrument enter setting status, find the parameter you want to modify on the
display. Press “set” enter the position. Use “+/-” to add or minus and page turning on
different parameter. Use “EXIT” to ignore the parameter not be modified.