5. Dial
right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue
dialing to the right to retract the lock bolt.
Note: If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds,
the computer will reset (LCD will go blank) requiring the operator to redial the entire
In this mode, two combinations must be correctly dialed to open
the lock However, it is different from Dual Mode because the
Supervisory Combination must only be dialed once to UnLock (UL)
the lock Once the Supervisory Combination has been entered, the
Subordinate Combination can be used to open the lock at any time
during this “unlocked” state
Whenever the Supervisory Combination is redialed, the lock will display LU (Locked Up), and
the Subordinate Combination will no longer open the lock
To UnLock (UL)
Supervisory Operator:
1 Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”
2 Dial the supervisory Combination as if dialing a combination to open the lock; ie,
left (CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW)
to dial the third number
eXaMPle: Combination = 25-50-75
left to first number, 25 Stop
right to second number, 50 Stop
left to third number, 75 Stop
3 Dial right (CW) Ul (Unlocked) is displayed indicating that the Subordinate
Operator can now open the lock using only the Subordinate Combination The X-10
will now operate as if it were in a single combination mode
To Open the Lock
Subordinate Operator:
1 Dial left (CCW) until lock is “powered”
2 Dial the Subordinate Combination in the correct manner to open the lock; ie, left
(CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial the second number, left (CCW) to
dial the third number
eXaMPle: Combination = 30-60-90
left to the first number, 30 Stop
right to second number, 60 Stop
left to third number, 90 Stop
3 Dial right (CW) After oP with a right arrow (oPen right) is displayed, continue
dialing to the right to retract the lock bolt
Note: If at any time the dial remains stationary for more than 40 seconds,
the lock will reset (LCD will go blank) requiring the operator to redial the
entire combination.