5. How to use
Unlock from outdoor
Unlock by PIN code
Enter PIN code
Press down the handle
to open the door
Outdoor Front panel
1.Touch keypad by palm to lighten keypad.
2.Enter the enrolled PIN code with end of [#].
Voice prompt “Verification succeeded”.
3.Press down the handle to open the door.
Caution: Under safe mode, Double verification (PIN code + Fingerprint / PIN code + Card / Finge Card) is required to unlock the door.
Unlock by fingerprint
Fingerprint sensor
Press down the handle
to open the door
Outdoor Front panel
1.Place the enrolled finger properly on the
fingerprint sensor area until one beep sound
and voice prompt “Verification succeeded.”
2.Press down the handle to open the door.
Unlock by card
Card icon area
Press down the handle
to open the door
Outdoor Front panel
1.Place the enrolled card properly on the
card icon area until one beep sound and
voice prompt “Verification succeeded.”
2.Press down the handle to open the door.