Koa-PicoITX User Manual rev 1.0
2.3 First Start-up
2.3.1 Hardware startup
If you have received the Koa-PicoITX already mounted and connected to a Koala,
you can directly jump to the section "Software startup". In other case, please be sure to
respect all of the guidelines below.
All manipulations must be executed when Koala is turn off. To avoid any
damage, please remove the battery of the Koala during all the process.
To mount the Koa-PicoITX box on a Koala, you must first unmount the black
protection plate at the rear of the Robot. Place the Koa-PicoITX box on the four fixations
points (see n°2 in page 5 of the "Koala User Manual"); the rear size of the box must be turned
at the back of the Robot.
Connect the serial cable to the USB serial port (n°14 in the overview) and the RS232
serial port on the rear of the Koala (see n°4 page 4 in the "Koala User Manual"). Place the
jumper in the back “DCE” serial line position (see page 8 in the "Koala User Manual") and set
the running mode selector of the Robot to the position A (115200bps communication).
Connect a VGA monitor, an USB keyboard and an USB mouse to the Koa-PicoITX.
Connect the power supply cable to the Koala terminal blocks as describe below:
+VBAT (+12V)
VCC (+5V)
GND (power ground)
(See page 16 of the Koala User Manual for more details)
And finally, connect the supply cable to the Koa-PicoITX (see connector n°3 in the
Then plug the battery (or the DC/DC converter) in the Robot, turn on the Koala
Robot and push the power button of the Koa-PicoITX. The boot of the computer must appear
on the screen. Then follow the "Software startup" instructions.