Koa-PicoITX User Manual rev 1.0
speed speed control
torque torque control
P : proportional parameter
I : integral parameter
D : derivative parameter
You can set the speed, the position or the torque with the commands:
setspeed SPEED
setpos POS
settorque TORQUE
And stop it with stop
Exit the program with quit
See the source code file ~/software/libkorebot_VERSION/src/tests/kmotLE_test.c or
the KoreMotorLE user manual for details:
See chapter 4 PROGRAMMING" for software development.
3.7 Pan-tilt camera usage
You can connect up to two Pan-tilt cameras using the motors connectors (chapter 2.2:
"Koa-PicoITX Overview": M0 and M1 for the first one, M2 and M3 and another
KoreMotorLE needed). See the Pan-Tilt user manual for more details about the connections:
In the directory ~/software/libkorebot_VERSION/src/tests , the kmotLE_pantilt
program is already compiled. This program makes the pan-tilt camera moving. Run it with the
./kmotLE_pantilt MOT0 MOT1 [NB_CYCLES]
MOT0: PAN motor number (usually 1)
MOT1: TILT motor number (usually 2)
[NB_CYCLES]: optional: number of cycles
See chapter 4 PROGRAMMING" for software development.