The more you go faster, less you have precision in focus movement and also the
responsiveness may vary on the lens type or brand you are using.
Best value with most of lenses is around 11cps. The minumum is 8 blinks = 8
cps, maximum 50 blinks = 50 cps
LONG HOLD: movie presets change (reactivity), cycle thru:
1 red blink = SLOW priority to speeds 1,2
2 red blinks = MEDIUM preset balanced thru speed 1,2,3
3 red blinks = NORMAL preset priority to speeds 2,3
4 red blinks = FAST preset (the same of above but aplified)
5 red blinks = FASTER preset (the same of above but aplified)
6 red blinks = FASTEST preset (the same of above but aplified)
record movie • capture photo
PRESS: movie start/stop (if pressed and not in movie mode, force movie mode -
if not in liveview, capture photo)
HOLD: capture photo
(7) FWD
PRESS: rack focus to near, if inside function, step+
HOLD: continuous operation
It is still possible using the knob in combination with this button. While inside
functions, a single press change parameters (step+).
(8) BWD
PRESS: rack focus to far, if inside function, step-
HOLD: continuous operation
It is still possible using the knob in combination with this button. While inside
functions, a single press change parameters (step-)
combined with the normal use of other parameters.