If selecting ―Switching‖, the function can only be used for switching lighting. The objects
―switching‖ and ―status‖ are visible. General, the two objects are used together, e.g. the ―switching‖
is linked to ―switch‖ object of dimmer, the ―status‖ is linked to ―switch status‖ object of dimmer, if
the ―status‖ receives a status response from dimmer, the operation icon will updated accordingly in
the TFT, when switch on, the icon show color, when switch off, the icon show gray. However, their
group addresses can be also set same, and in some case it is quite applicable.
If selecting ―Dimming‖, the function can be used for switching and dimming lighting. The
objects ―switching‖, ―absolute dimming‖ and ―brightness value‖ are visible. A switch telegram is
sent via a short operation. A slider is opened via a long operation, which is used to dim light, and via
glide it to send dimming telegram. General, the objects ―absolute dimming‖ and ―brightness value‖
are used together, e.g. the ―absolute dimming‖ is linked to ―brightness‖ object of dimmer, the
―brightness value‖ is linked to ―brightness status‖ object of dimmer. If the ―brightness value‖
receives a non-zero status response from dimmer, the operation icon show color, and then a short
operation will trigger a telegram ―off‖; if a zero status response, the icon show gray, and then a short
operation will trigger a telegram ―on‖.
Parameter “Name of light x”
This parameter is used to set the name that is shown in the TFT operation system for lighting x,
at most 10 characters can be input here.
Parameter “Icon number of light x”
This parameter is used to set the icon number that is shown in the TFT operation system for
lighting x, which corresponding a relevant image. You can refer to the related document to know the
icon number corresponding image. Option: 0…63
Currently workable icon number is 0…7, other is reserved.
Parameter “Interval period=entry*0.1s”
This parameter is visible if the option ―dimming‖ is selected with the parameter ―lighting x
function‖. It is used to set the interval period that the object ―Absolute dimming‖ sends the dimming
telegrams during operation, to avoid bus overloading. Option: 1…10
Note: the time may not be very exact.
5.3. Parameter window “Blind/Shutter”
Parameter window ―Blind/Shutter‖ can be shown in fig. 5.3. Here can set up to 6 blind/shutter
controls, and their parameters are the same for each blind/shutter control. There are two functions to
be realized: shutter or roller blind. In the case of shutter, a long operation sends a blind up or down
travel command, and a short operation sends a slats adjustment command. A blind/shutter control
function has three operation buttons in the TFT operation system, the middle button is used to stop
blind/shutter travel. Take a blind/shutter control as an example, describing their parameter.