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© JVA Technologies. www.jva-fence.com
ST035 User Manual
Auto-Sync™ is a new method of synchronising electric fence energisers
patented by Pakton Group Pty Ltd.
Auto-sync detects when something or someone touches the wires from
two different electric fences, and synchronises the output pulses so that
the potentially dangerous condition of receiving more than one pulse per
second is avoided.
The magnitude and frequency of the electric fence pulse is restricted by
safety standards such as IEC60335.2.76. This limitation is specifically in-
tended to ensure that a shock received from the energiser (and hence the
fence) is safe for humans. An important part of the safety requirement is
that the person receives no more than one shock per second. When the
pulses are one second or more apart, the human body treats them as sepa-
rate events and the heart is unaffected. Receiving more than one pulse per
second can interrupt the natural rhythm of the heart.
Although international safety standards require a 2.5 metre gap between
live wires powered from two different unsynchronised energisers, through
neglect or ignorance this is often not adhered to. For example live wires
running down both sides of farm dividing fences are a common site in rural
An energiser running our patented Auto-Sync™ technology can synchro-
nise with any brand of energiser provided that energiser conforms to inter-
national standards regarding pulse timing.
If synchronisation cannot be achieved or is lost, the energiser will not shut
down. It will continue to operate as though no foreign signal were present
on the fence (i.e. its regular pulse frequency and energy output).