1. JUWENT Szymański, Nowakowski General Partnership, headquartered in Ryki at 31 Lubelska Str., hereinafter referred to as the
Warrantor, grants the Customer a warranty of proper operation of the unit with reservation of the requirement of its use in accordance
with the conditions determined in the instruction manual and the terms and conditions specified below.
2. The warranty has been granted for a period of 24 months from the purchase date demonstrated in this warranty document with
a possibility of its special extension according to a separate agreement and specified in the Special Warranty Terms and Conditions.
3. The warranty covers the removal of technical defects of the unit arisen as a result of its use in accordance with the instruction
manual, revealed within the warranty period. The warranty provisions are valid in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
4. By virtue of the granted warranty the Warrantor is not liable for the loss of expected profits and costs resulting from a periodical
impossibility of the use of the unit incurred by the Customer.
5. To realize the Customer’s rights resulting from the warranty it is required to deliver the claimed unit with the warranty document
to the Warrantor at his expense.
6. The claimer delivers the unit in an original factory packing, in case there is no factory packing the claimed unit should be delive-
red by the Customer for the repair in a way ensuring a safe transport. The risk of accidental damage of the unit during the transport
burdens always the party that dispatches the parcel.
7. The defects revealed with the warranty period will be removed by the Warrantor free of charge. A method selection of the reali-
zation of obligations resulting from the warranty granted to the Customer belongs to the Warrantor that may remove a defect by the
repair or the replacement of the damaged subassembly or by the replacement of the unit. The property of the unit withdrawn from
service and / or defective subassemblies is transferred to the Warrantor.
8. The warranty is extended by a period for which the Customer has been deprived of a possibility to use the unit.
9. The Warrantor will make efforts that the repair is executed without further delay within the time-limit of up to 14 working days
from the delivery date of the unit. In reasonable cases of which the Customer will be informed by the Warrantor, this time-limit may
be extended, e.g. by the time of provision import or when there is a necessity to execute an expertise or laboratory tests in specialized
10. The Warrantor is liable exclusively for the defects inherent in the sold unit. The damages arisen after its sale for other reasons are
not covered by the warranty, in particular:
a) mechanical damages (including also damages caused by microparticles occurring in the working environment of the unit),
thermal damages, chemical damages and aleatory damages or damages caused by the atmospheric factors,
b) damages occurred as a result of non-observance of typical rules or the rules required by the instruction manual related to the
operation and mounting of the unit or the use of the unit against the intended use and other damages caused by the Customer’s
activity or omission,
c) damages being a result of defective operation of the system in which the unit has been built or used,
d) damages occurred as a result of non-execution of the actions to which the Customer has been obliged in accordance with the
instruction manual, e.g. periodical cleaning, maintenance, adjustment, etc.,
e) damages occurred due to the use of materials or parts subject to a normal operational wear other than the materials recom-
mended by the Warrantor in the instruction manual,
f) damages being a result of use of power supply of the unit (of the system in which this unit functions) incompliant with the
standard, and in case the unit is also supplied with water, damages being a result of use of water (supply water and / or boiler
water) with parameters other than the parameters foreseen in the valid standard (PN-93/C-04607),
g) damages occurred as a result of operation and / or maintenance of the unit in a way incompliant with the instruction manual
and / or executed by the unauthorized persons.
11. The warranty does not cover as well:
a) activities executed by the Customer in accordance with the recommendations included the instruction manual of the unit within
the framework of normal maintenance and inspections,
b) travel and work costs of the Warrantor’s service or an entity delegated by the Warrantor in case when a warrant call turns out
to be groundless.
12. An annotation made by a trained employee in the Inspection and Maintenance Document of the unit is a confirmation of time-
-limit holding and range of activities foreseen for the maintenance of the unit.
13. The Warrantor is not liable for damages incurred by the Customer or third parties caused the run of the unit occurred in particular
as a result of non-observance of the afore-mentioned terms and conditions by the Customer.
14. In case the service works are executed by the Warrantor at the place where the unit is mounted, the Customer will make available
a free access to the rooms where the units are located to the Warrantor.
15. In case the units are mounted at the height making an access from the floor surface impossible, the Customer will ensure the
scaffolding compliant with the OHS regulations or mobile lifting platforms and vertical transport equipment.
16. The equipment from the electric and / or hydraulic system is disassembled by the Customer.
17. The claims should be lodged at the Warrantor’s address in writing / by fax / email using a service notification form.
18. The Warrantor refuses to execute the warranty activities (periodical service works or repair) in case the price for the unit or pre-
vious service work is not paid for the benefit of the Warrantor.
Special Warranty Terms and Conditions:
Warranty period extension up to ........... months.