Assemble of the pump housing - lobes - end plate
(Refer to VL 14)
Check that the two O-rings of the seals housing and the O-rings of
the axle are in the correct position.
a- Insert the flange of pos. 4 on the pump housing and screw off
the n. 6 screws of pos. 38
b- Insert the lobe-axle group taking care to keep the two sets of
lobes in normal position.
c- Insert the bushing of pos. 25 on the axle and place it in the
correct position by means of the spacer of pos. 8.
(Lubricate thoroughly the inside and outside of the bushing).
For the assemble use a pipe of suitable length and of diam.
d- Insert the spacer of pos. 6, checking that it is correctly centered.
e- Insert the protection screen of pos. 23.
f- Insert on the axle the bearing of pos. 22 by means of the
introduction pipe of point “c” and take it to the correct position,
striking with a hammer.
g- Center the ring of pos. 10 on the outside diameter of the bearing
and press it to the correct position.
NOTE: The outside circular groove on the rear bearing
bushing of pos. 10 must match exactly the plane of the
outside face of the bearing flange of pos. 4.
The plane washer of pos. 47 must fit exactly in between
the pos. 10 and pos. 4.
h- Insert the spacer of pos. 7.
i- Screw on the set screw of pos. 48 blocking it slightly (use
“LOCTITE 242”).
Fig. 11
Fig. 11/g
4 Assemble of the rear chamber and of the housing-lobe-
end plate of VL 27
(Refer to spare parts list of VL 27)
Check that the two O-rings of the seals housing and the O-rings
of the axle are in the correct position.
a- Insert the flange of pos. 5 on the pump housing and screw
on the n. 6 screws of pos. 43.
b- Insert the lobe-axle group taking care to keep the two sets of
lobes in normal position.
c- Insert the housing gasket of pos. 18 in between the wearplate
of pos. 3 and the pump housing.
Approach the wearplate and pin it by means of the n. 4 pins of
pos. 40.
Screw on temporarily the n. 2 screws of pos. 47 in order to
facilitate the assembling.
d- Insert the bushing of pos. 30 on the axle and take it to the correct
position by means of the spacer of pos. 9 (lubricate thoroughly
the inside and outside of the bushing).
For the assemble use the introduction pipe of a suitable length
and of diam. 55x47.
e- Insert the spacer of pos. 6, checking that it is correctly centered.
f- Insert the protection screen of pos. 27.
g- Insert the bearing on the axle and by means of the introduction
pipe take it to the correct position.
h- Center the ring of pos. 11 to the outside diameter of the bearing
and press it to the correct position.
NOTE: The outside circular groove on the bearing bushing of
pos. 11 must match exactly the plane of the outside face of the
bearing flange pos. 5.
The plane washer of pos. 51 must fit exactly in between the
pos. 11 and pos. 5.
Screw on the n. 3 screws of pos. 44.
If this condition does not occur, the pos. 7-27-26-11 must be
disassembled and checked.
i- Insert the spacer of pos. 8.
l- Screw on the set screw of pos. 52 blocking it slightly (use
“LOCTITE 242”).