Regulations and operating conditions
6 720 645 817
Siting combustion equipment
Subject to the regulations of the relevant country, gas
combustion equipment with a total rated output in
excess of 50 kW may only be installed in rooms:
that are not used for any other purpose
that have no opening towards other rooms, except
the doors of which are tight and self-closing
that can be ventilated.
Notwithstanding these rules, combustion equipment
may also be installed in other rooms, if:
the use of these rooms makes this necessary and the
combustion equipment can be operated safely
the rooms are in freestanding buildings that only
serve to operate the combustion equipment and fuel
Open flue combustion equipment must not be installed:
in stairwells, except in residential buildings with no
more than two apartments
in generally accessible hallways that serve as escape
in garages.
Rooms with systems that extract air
Open flue combustion equipment must only be installed
in rooms equipped with systems that extract air subject
to the following conditions:
simultaneous operation of the combustion equipment
and the air extractor systems will be prevented by
safety equipment
the flue gas routing will be monitored by appropriate
safety equipment
flue gas will be routed via the air extractor systems or
it will be ensured that such systems cannot create
dangerous negative pressure.
Sound insulation
The quiet gas premix burner in the Suprapur generates
only low noise emissions, compared to conventional
pressure-jet gas burners. This generally makes
additional sound insulation measures to ensure airborne
noise inside the installation room superfluous. The
transmission of structure-borne noise is largely
prevented by the standard adjustable feet supplied.
Nevertheless, pumps and other system components can
cause structure-borne noise. Where required, this can
be addressed by the use of compensators and other
measures designed to reduce the transmission of
structure-borne noise. Further on-site measures can be
implemented if the aforementioned measures are
inadequate and more stringent requirements for noise
protection apply.
The antifreeze Antifrogen N is approved for use in the
Suprapur series. Observe the manufacturer's
When pumping liquids with viscosities that differ from
that of water, the hydraulic performance of pumps and
the pipework will also be different. For further details on
sizing pumps, see the technical guides published by the
pump manufacturers.
For further information on the siting and
installation of gas combustion equipment,
see country-specific regulations. These
must also be observed.