Figure 2: Switch actuator 2gang
(1) Control cable
(2) Programming button and LED
(3) Connection of mains and power cables
(4) Opening for fastening – only switch actuator 1gang
Connection assignment, power cables
Switch actuator 1gang:
BN, brown: connection external conductor L, output L'
Switch actuator 2gang:
BK, black: connection external conductor L
PK, pink: connection output L'1
GY, grey: connection output L'2
Figure 3
Connection assignment of control cable
RD, red: KNX+
BK, black: KNX–
GN, green: input 1
YE, yellow: input 2
WH, white: COM input 1
BN, brown: COM input 2
Switch actuators flush mounted – 1gang 16A, 2gang 6A