IP Central Unit
Ref.-no.: IPZ 1000 REG
and checking unit with the web browser of a PCs (Microsoft
Explorer from V 5.5 onwards) or other suitable LAN devices as, for
instance, a PDA.
4. Characteristics
User-controlled commissioning and configuration assistant, system clock
functions, central year timer switch with astro function and day profiles,
presence simulation, logic functions, event reporting function via e-mail,
integrated e-mail address book, central functions, lightscenes, scenes for
HVAC and alarm system applications, etc.
4.1. Directory server
Data exchange with the IP central unit via the Internet requires the use of
a directory server. A directory server is a server which can be reached via
Internet and which is the interface between a PC and the IP central unit.
When accessed from the web browser, a web page of the directory
server opening up a portal is first called up. The directory server checks
the connection or establishes the connection with the IP central unit.
When the connection has been established, access via the open portal to
the IP central unit is possible after verification of the access data.
5. Modes of operation
Depending on the existing system equipment, the IP central unit can be
operated in different modes.
operation in an LAN
operation in an LAN via a dedicated phone line to the Internet
operation in an LAN with dial-in connection to the Internet and
triggering via modem (analog or ISDN)
operation in an LAN with triggering or a-b port behind a telephone
operation in a telephone system with dial-in to the Internet via
modem (analog or ISDN)
The Connection required in each case is shown in the pictures below.