Video CatCam User Manual - Page 3 of 10
1. Overview
The Video CatCam
records video clips in an adjustable time interval. When nothing is
recorded the camera switches off automatically and safes battery energy. The device is
designed to be worn on the collar of an animal (cat) but may find use for general
surveillance tasks as well.
The Video CatCam
has small dimensions of 64x41x18mm (2.5 x 1.6 x 0.7 inch) and
weight of approx. 30 grams (1.1 oz).
Both memory and battery are integrated into the device. The camera records high
resolution video images (about 700x400 pixels) with a frame rate of 28-30fps. Per
recorded hour approx. 4 GB of data is generated.
The device is protected against dust, dirt and water. It is shock and scratch resistant. No
noise is emitted at any time.