(see chapter “Security Advices and Dan-
gers in Case of Non-compliance”)
The chapter “Intended Use” has obligatorily
be observed!
Putting into Operation
Before the putting into operation [initial com-
missioning] or the putting into operation after
maintenance works the sample water cooler
has to be
with water!
open the cooling water inlet valve.
the enclosed air will be flushed through
the sample water cooler and removed af-
ter the cooling water inlet valve having
been opened.
after having been ventilated the sample
water cooler is ready for service.
Description of the Functioning
The periodic control of the water qualities
concerning the feed water, the boiler water
and the condensate ranks among the most
important tasks in the boiler house. It often
happens that no water analysis is effected,
due to a lack of appropriate removal installa-
The removal of hot water samples is not only
dangerous but leads inevitably to imprecise
and false analysis results.
Therefore the measurement of the content
of oxygen binder is not possible, due to the
fact that in the case of high temperature im-
mediately a reaction with atmospheric oxy-
gen takes place. Concerning boiler waters
the evaporation loss has to be taken into
consideration, when calculating the results.
A correct result of the water examination
can only be achieved, if a sampling device is
available, that corresponds to the operating
conditions. The analysis of the water sam-
ples takes place, in general, at a referring
temperature of 20°C (68 °F).
This induces the having to be cooled-down
of the water samples exceeding this temper-
In doing so the measuring good is led into a
stainless steel heat exchanger via the sam-
ple water ball cock and cooled down by the
cooling water flowing counter-current.
Fig. 3:
Description of the Functioning
sampling water
built-in rotary flange
sample water ball cock G ¼" IG
cooling water inlet valve
cold water system
boiler water
feed water
shut-off possibility