(see chapter “Security Advices and Dan-
gers in Case of Non-compliance”)
Before the sampling removal it has to be
obligatorily ensured, that cooling water
flows through the device. In the case of
non-compliance there is the danger of
the destruction of the device and of
Modifications / Changes /
(see chapter “Security Advices and Dan-
gers in Case of Non-compliance”)
Only original spare parts may be used!
Arbitrary modifications and changes are for-
bidden due to security reasons!
These ones can compromise the function-
ing of the sample water cooler and lead to
5.4.1 Maintenance / Reparation
Before effecting works on the sample water
cooler, that exceed the purely service-relat-
ed operations, the sample water cooler has
to be made pressureless and has to cool-
In the case of non-compliance water dam-
ages can occur in the building caused by the
uncontrolled escaping of water.
The instructions, stated in the chapters “In-
stallation” and “Maintenance” have to be
strictly observed.
Service Interruption
(see chapter “Security Advices and Dan-
gers in Case of Non-compliance”)
In the case that a sample water cooler has
to be flanged off or screwed off, the chapter
“Intended Use” has to be imperatively ob-
The flange surfaces have to be protec-
ted against damages. Damaged flange
surfaces cannot any longer close tightly.
Damages on the building and equipment
can result from this by means of esca-
ping water.
Store the sample water cooler frost-free!
By means of frost, water being enclosed
in cavities of the sample water cooler
can freeze, due to that the sample water
cooler can be damaged mechanically in
a way, that it will become leaky in the ca-
se of applied operation pressure, or
even burst. Caused by escaping water
considerable material-damages can oc-
cur on the building. Moreover , persons
being close to the sample water cooler
can be hurt by flaking filter parts.
In the case of the re-commissioning of
the sample water cooler it has to be pro-
ceeded as in the case of new sample
water cooler (see chapter “Putting into