Please yead For Your Safet
The p oduct that you ha e ecei ed is not a toy. Please unde stand that model
ai c aft ha e se e al mo ing pa ts and e uipment that if misused, can not only
cause ha m to othe mate ials and objects, but also to you and othe s a ound
you. JTA Inno ations is not accountable o esponsible fo any e ents o
incidents that cause damage, inju y, o e en death. Afte pu chase and
ecei ing of this p oduct, the custome is fully esponsible fo the assembly
and use of the model. We cannot monito the p ocedu e/methods used in
assembling o flying of the model. If ope ating in the United States, please
make su e that you ha e membe ship ith the Academy of Model Ae onautics
and follo AMA ules. Please ope ate the model at AMA flying sites. If li ing
outside of the US, please follo the ules of model a iation ope ation in you
egion. JTA Inno ations is not esponsible fo any dis ega d o b eaking of
these ules. P io to being shipped to each custome , ai f ames ill be checked
fo any damages. We ha e no cont ol o e hat happens du ing the shipping
p ocess. If any p oduct is deemed defecti e by a custome , please contact JTA
Inno ations ith p oof of defect most likely photo o ideo , and p oof of
pu chase including pu chase date. JTA Inno ations ill analyze you claim and
handle the situation case by case.