Page 28 XBase 09 Operating Manual
LFO Intensity
LFO Intensity determines the intensity with which the LFO will modulate its target. LFO
intensity is displayed as a numeric value between 0 and 127.
To switch off an LFO, set the value to 0.
Should you not be able to set the value to 0, hold the ACCENT button pressed and turn the knob
counterclockwise until the display reads 0.
LFO Frequency
LFO Frequency sets the frequency (relative to the sequencer tempo) i. e. the LFO speed. The
frequency is displayed as a numeric value between 0 and 127.
NOTE: The absolute LFO frequency depends on the current sequencer tempo. In this wise, it is
also possible to generate modulations with a free running LFO.
LFO Synchronisation
This parameter determines wether the LFO restarts at every programmed instrument step or if it
freewheels past the instrument triggers.
The display reads:
= freewheeling LFO
SYn = beat synchronized LFO
Select a setting by turning the "pulse" or "noise tune" knobs.
To store your LFO page edits, press ENTER. This stores all LFO settings for the currently
selected pattern.
LFOs are active in Pattern and in Perform modes.
Abort by pressing SHIFT.
In this mode you select the patterns with different instrument control settings for each step. These
are displayed as “P xx” (pattern number 1-64) The instrument’s sound control knobs influence the
sound of the individual steps indirectly in the various Pattern Edit modes. For further details, see
"Perform Mode" section.