FORM 160.75-N1
ISSUE DATE: 4/30/2014
5. Do not charge the compressor with oil.
6. Do not charge the unit with refrigerant.
7. Do not attempt to start the system.
8. Do not run hot water (110°F / 43°C max) or steam
through the evaporator or condenser at any time.
The chiller may be ordered and shipped in any of the
following forms:
Form 1 –
Factory Assembled Unit, complete with mo-
tor, refrigerant and oil charges.
• The motor/compressor assembly mounted,
with all necessary interconnecting piping
assembled. OptiView™ Control Center is
mounted on the unit. Complete unit factory
leak tested, evacuated and charged with R-
An optional Solid State Starter or Variable
Speed Drive can be factory mounted and
• Miscellaneous material – Four (4) vibration
isolation pads (or optional spring isolators
and brackets). K7 units will be shipped with
8 Vibration Isolation Pads.
Form 2 –
Factory Assembled Unit, complete with mo-
tor (refrigerant and oil charges shipped sepa-
• The motor/compressor assembly mounted,
with all necessary interconnecting piping
assembled. OptiView™ Control Center is
mounted on the unit. Complete unit fac-
tory leak tested, evacuated and charged with
holding charge of nitrogen.
An optional Solid State Starter or Variable
Speed Drive can be factory mounted and
• Miscellaneous material – Four (4) vibration
isolation pads (or optional spring isolators).
K7 units will be shipped with 8 Vibration
Isolation Pads.
Form 3 –
Driveline Separate From Shells – Shipped as
two major assemblies. Unit first factory assem-
bled, refrigerant piped, wired and leak tested;
then dismantled for shipment.
• Compressor/motor assembly removed from
shells and skidded. Evaporator/condenser is
not skidded.
• All wiring integral with compressor is left on
it, and all conduit is left on shell. All open-
ings on compressor, oil separator, and shell
are closed and charged with dry nitrogen (2
to 3 PSIG) (115/122 kPa).
• Miscellaneous packaging of control center,
tubing, water temperature controls, wiring,
oil, isolators, solid state starter (option), etc.;
refrigerant charge shipped separately.
Units shipped dismantled MUST be re-
assembled by, or under the supervision of,
a Johnson Controls representative. Refer
to Installation - Unit (Form 160.75-N3)
Form 7 –
Split Shells – Shipped as three major assem-
blies. Unit first factory assembled, refriger-
ant piped, wired and leak tested; then dis-
mantled for shipment.
• Compressor/motor assembly removed from
shells and skidded.
• Evaporator and condenser shells are sepa-
rated at tube sheets and are not skidded. Re-
frigerant lines between shells are flanged and
capped, requiring no welding.
• All wiring integral with compressor is left
on it. All wiring harnesses on shells are re-
moved. All openings on compressor and
shells are closed and charged with dry nitro-
gen (2 to 3 psig) (115/122 kPa).
• Miscellaneous packaging of control center,
tubing, water temperature controls, wiring,
oil isolators, solid state starter (option), etc.;
refrigerant charge shipped separately.
Units shipped dismantled MUST be re-
assembled by, or under the supervision of,
a Johnson Controls representative. Refer
to Installation - Unit (Form 160.75-N3)
When more than one chiller is involved, the major
parts of each unit will be marked to prevent mixing
of assemblies. (Piping and Wiring Drawings to be fur-
nished by Johnson Controls)