D-304961 BW-SHK Istruzioni di installazione / Installation Instructions / Instrukcja instalacji
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*In caso di conflitto, contraddizione o interpretazione tra la versione inglese della garanzia e le altre versioni, prevarrà la versione
The BW-SHK is a wireless PowerG innovative shock detector with optional magnetic contact and auxiliary input interfacing with all BW
control panels, version 16 or higher. The BW-SHK fits windows, doors, walls or roofs and is ideal for residential or commercial installations.
It detects and analyzes gross attacks or a series of low level shocks and provides early warning of any attempt of intrusion before a burglar
actually breaks- in.
Operations described in these instructions applies to BW control panels. For further information related to operations with a different
control panel, refer to the control panel's instructions.
The detector incorporates:
A shock / vibration piezoelectric sensor.
Optional reed switch.
Optional auxiliary input to use with installer supplied contacts or other wired devices.
Installer added-value features:
Digital display enables fast and easy shock level adjustment
Full remote configuration from BW control panel or Monitoring Station saves the need to physically access the shock detector for
Remote view of: Low Battery, front and back Tamper, Supervision
A LED lights whenever alarm or tamper events are reported (the LED does not light while a supervision message is being
Transmission LED
Figure 1. External View
2.1 Mounting
(See figures 2 and 3)
Refer to the Shock Detection Radius, in the Specifications section, according to the surface material used. Install the device in a location where a strong shock impact is expected. The unit should be mounted
on a flat surface and firmly fixed using both mounting screws.
For magnetic contact detection, it is highly recommended to attach the detector to the door or window on the fixed frame and the magnet to the movable part (door or window). For optimal magnetic sensor
activity and better security it is recommended to apply the magnet as close as possible to the detector’s marked side.
Once the cover is removed, a tamper message is transmitted to the control panel. Subsequent removal of the battery prevents transmission of "TAMPER RESTORE", leaving the detector in
permanent alert. To avoid this, press the tamper switch while you remove the battery.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used battery according to manufacturer's instructions.
The unit has a back tamper switch (optional) under the PCB. As long as the PCB is seated firmly within the base, the switch lever will be pressed against a special break-away base segment that
is loosely connected to the base ("Figure 2. Base with P.C. Board Removed" above). Be sure to fasten the break-away segment to the wall. If the detector unit is forcibly removed from the wall, this segment
will break away from the base, causing the tamper switch to open.
Auxiliary Input Wiring
Connect the auxiliary sensor contacts across the BW-SHK auxiliary input terminals.
Maximal guaranteed cable length is 10m (33 ft.).
If the auxiliary input of the BW-SHK is defined as a Normally Closed (N.C.) type, series connected N.C. sensor contacts must be used exclusively. An alarm message is transmitted once the loop is opened.
If the auxiliary input of the BW-SHK is defined as a Normally Open (N.O.) type, parallel connected N.O. sensor contacts must be used exclusively. An alarm message is transmitted once the loop is closed.
For End of Line (EOL) supervision, Normally Closed (N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O.) sensor contacts can be used, as shown in Figure 4. A 2.2kΩ E.O.L. resistor must be wired at the far end of the zone
loop. An alarm message is transmitted once the loop is opened or short circuited.
For Double End of Line (DEOL) supervision, two Normally Closed (N.C.) sensor contacts can be used, as shown in Figure 4. Two 2.2kΩ E.O.L. resistors must be wired at the far end of the zone loop
which is opened or short circuited. Event messages are transmitted according to connected inputs, for example, Alarm or Tamper contacts.
Refer to the BW panel's Installer's Guide and follow the procedure under the "02:ZONES/DEVICES" option of the Installer Menu. A general description of the procedure is provided in the following
flow chart.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Enter the Installer menus and select
Select “ADD NEW DEVICE” See Note 1
Enroll the detector: press the enroll button and then
release it as soon as the yellow LED lights, or,
enter the device ID (on the back of device)
Select the desired zone for the new detector
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Configure Location and Zone Type
See Note 2
Assign partitions to the detector by pressing the
Select the “Device Settings” and see below
to configure the auxiliary input (AUX)
means scroll and select
[1] If the shock detector is already enrolled, you can configure the device parameter and assign partitions using the “Modify Devices" option.
[2] PARTITIONS appear only if PARTITIONING was previously enabled in a panel.
ID No.170-XXXX
P2 P3