RH Series HC-67x3 Humidity Controllers Installation Instructions
To set the jumpers, refer to Figure 11. Turn the circuit
board over, and position the action and output jumpers
to suit the application. Reinstall the circuit board.
Disengage the tabs
to remove the
circuit board.
(Factory Set)
0 to 10 VDC
(Factory Set)
6 to 9 VDC
Circuit Board
Disengage the tabs
to remove the
circuit board.
(Factory Set)
0 to 10 VDC
(Factory Set)
6 to 9 VDC
Circuit Board
Figure 11: Jumper Settings
Proportional Band
To set the proportional band, see Figure 8. Use a
1/8 in. (3 mm) flat-blade screwdriver to turn the
potentiometer to the position desired.
Duct Probe Humidity Controller
Setpoint, Proportional Band, and Jumpers
Refer to Figure 9 to change the setpoint, proportional
band, or the action and output jumpers for the
application desired.
1. Use a 1/8 in. (3 mm) flat-blade screwdriver to turn
the setpoint or proportional band potentiometer to
the desired setting.
2. Select the appropriate control action and output
setting using the jumpers.
If the humidity controller is not functioning properly:
1. Verify the unit is mounted in a location that is
indicative of space humidity (away from drafts and
sunlight, for example).
2. Check all supply voltage connections, and make
sure the wiring is correct. (Refer to Figure 8 and
Figure 9.)
3. Check the proportional band and setpoint settings.
If the humidity control equipment is cycling
excessively, the proportional band setting may be
too low.
4. Verify the jumper positions. If the unit is not
delivering an output, make sure the jumpers are
appropriately selected for the application.
5. Replace the unit if the troubleshooting suggestions
fail to remedy the problem.
Repairs and Replacement
The HC-67x3 units are not field repairable. As with any
electrical device, keep the air vents clean and free
from dust or obstruction. The HC-67x3 controllers
have been designed for maintenance-free operation.
Sturdy packaging, solid-state components, and
high-quality element construction combine for a
long-lasting, high performance sensor. To order
replacement parts, contact the nearest
Johnson Controls representative.