6 G—G861 Series Integrated Function Direct Spark Ignition Control Technical Bulletin
If a flame is not sensed by the end of the trial-for-ignition period, the gas
valve is de-energized, the inducer remains energized through the 10-second
interpurge period, and another trial for ignition begins. If a flame is not
sensed before the end of the third trial, the control proceeds to a 60-minute
retry delay period, where all outputs are de-energized, before resetting
itself. During the 60-minute retry delay period, the LED will blink with a
flash code of 2.
A “manual fan” call from the thermostat during the 60-minute retry will run
the circulator/blower at medium speed.
If the main burner flame is established and then lost, the gas valve is
de-energized and the inducer and circulator/blower run through a
10-second interpurge. Once the interpurge period expires, the control
initiates another trial for ignition.
After the sixteenth flameout in any given heating cycle, the control
proceeds to a 60-minute retry delay peroid, where all outputs are
de-energized. A “manual fan” call from the thermostat will run the
circulator/blower at medium speed. During the 60-minute retry delay
period, the LED will blink with a flash code of 2.
A “manual fan” call from the thermostat during the 60-minute retry will run
the circulator/blower at medium speed.
The G861 offers the following responses to the two possible interrupted
thermostat situations:
If the call for heat is removed before the gas valve is energized, the
G861 will de-energize all outputs and return to the Off state.
If the call for heat is removed any time after the gas valve is energized,
the gas valve and spark igniter (if energized) are de-energized, the
inducer motor will run through the postpurge period, and the
circulator/blower will run for the selected blower “off delay” time.
The high limit switch is monitored whenever a call for heat is present. Any
time the switch opens, the gas valve and igniter are de-energized, and the
inducer and circulator/blower run continuously. When the switch is reset,
the inducer and circulator/blower run for 180 seconds before the control
returns to normal operation. Whenever the high limit switch is open while
the call for heat is present, the control LED will blink with a flash code of 4.
Failure to Sense
Flame Within
Trial Period
High Limit