100.200-IOM (SEP 13)
Page 7
-- Apply power to the Vyper Drive system.
A: Confirm DIP switches on the Vyper Logic Board are properly set. Refer to “VSD Logic Board Setup” in the OPERATION
section of this manual.
B: Verify no problems exist with the unit power supply connections.
C: Verify no problems exist with the boot-up of the Quantum
LX panel and control system.
D: Set the FLA ratings on the Vyper Logic Board as per job site requirements.
E: Set up the Quantum
LX panel in accordance with job site requirements. Refer to “Quantum
LX Panel Setup” in the
OPERATION section of this manual.
F: Confirm operation of internal cooling fans.
G: Confirm operation of the coolant pump.
H: Confirm operation of the Vyper motorized coolant temperature control mixing valve.
I: Confirm wiring, operation, and correct rotation of motor blower fans if present.
Pre-Start-up Inspection
After installation is complete, use the following as guide
to checks items D – I, under in the Applying power to the
Drive system section, in the preceding Vyper
Operation Site Checklist. Any changes to factory setpoints
need to be approved by Johnson-Controls-Frick
. Failure
to obtain approval may void warranty. Read all steps thor-
oughly and contact the factory with any questions before
1. With power off - In the drive, remove wire 624 (com-
pressor run) on the drive side of control wiring terminal
2. Remove wire 675 (oil pump run) if the unit is equipped
with an oil pump.
3. Close the drive, turn on the disconnect using the oper-
ating handle on the door.
4. Once the Quantum
LX panel has booted go to the level
2 operating session.
5. Confirm communications between the Vyper
and the Quantum
LX by going to the Vyper
If there are base-plate temperature readings that are
approximate to ambient and a value is displayed for the
JOB FLA communications is confirmed. Compare the
Job FLA value to the panel test report Special Instruc-
tions section to ensure they match. If the JOB FLA is not
listed on the panel test report, use the JOB FLA tables in
this manual to calculate.
6. Go to the motor setpoints screen to check the motor
amps safeties, relative to the motor and drive combina-
tion. If these values are not correct use the tables in this
manual to calculate what they should be.
7. Verify proper operation of the motorized coolant mixing
valve on the back of the drive.
• Locate the Coolant mixing valve on the back of the
drive, remove the cover from the motor and check
that the dip-switches are set as 1 ON, 2 OFF, 3 ON
& 4 OFF. If a change needs to be made, the power
must be cycled at the panel for the change to be in
• Go to Page 2 of PID setpoints, for the Vyper Coolant
PID. Ensure the setup is per the setup in this manual.
If it is, set the Control as Always and the Direction
as Reverse. Check the indicator disc or arrow on the
shaft between the valve and the actuator motor that
it is operating. Once it has moved to one end of the
stroke, change the Direction back to Forward. This
should move the Indicator Disc or Arrow back to the
other end of the stroke.
• Set the Control back to Running and submit.
8. Using a screw driver at the operating handle on the
door, open the drive leaving the power on, so that the
ride side panel can be opened providing access to the
logic board.
9. Re-secure the left side panel.
10. If the Job FLA setting is not correct this can now be set
using the Job FLA pot on the control logic board. Moni-
tor the value on the Vyper screen of the Quantum
to determine when the value is properly set.
11. Test the internal fan and coolant circulation pump op-
eration by removing the P2 plug from the J2 connector
on the control logic board. Removing this plug will start
these devices. You will hear the fans run. The circu-
lation in the coolant loop should be seen through the
clear hose, proving the circulation pumps operation.
Reconnect the P2 plug to the J2 connector to turn off
these devices. Doing this test will create a Low Inverter
Base-Plate Temperature shutdown on the Quantum
that will need to be cleared.
12. Close the drive completely and with power still on, do a
simulated run of the compressor by pressing the manual
start button on the Quantum
LX. This should engage
the blower motors on the compressor drive motor to
verify proper rotation and operation of the blower mo-
tors. Rotational arrows on the fan housing shows prop-
er rotation, correct if necessary by changing any two
wires at the blower motor connection box with power
locked out.
13. Turn power off with the operating handle on the door of
the drive. Open the drive and check to ensure the panel
is de-energized. Carefully replace wires 624 and 675.
Tighten to 12 lb-in.