100.200-IOM (SEP 13)
Page 65
DC level is actually higher than the level one could obtain by
simply rectifying the input line voltage. Thus the harmonic
filter actually performs a voltage “boost” function. This is
necessary in order to permit current to flow into the AC
line from the filter when the AC line is at its peak level. This
particular shutdown and its accompanying message is gener-
ated if the filter’s DC link voltage drops to a level less than 80
VDC below the filter DC link voltage setpoint. The filter DC
link voltage setpoint is determined by the filter logic board
via the sensing of the three phase input line-to-line voltage.
This setpoint is set to the peak of the sensed input line-to-
line voltage plus 59 volts, not to exceed 760 volts and varies
with the input line-to-line voltage. If this shutdown occurs
occasionally, the likely cause is a severe sag in the input line
voltage. A power monitor should be installed to determine if
a power problem exists. Also, verify the operation of the AC
line voltage isolator board, by comparing the phase to phase
voltage on J5 pins 1-3. The three voltage measurements
should be almost the same voltage, approximately 5.2 VAC.
Fault 75: Harmonic Filter DC Bus Voltage Imbalance
Quantum: “Fault 75”
Quantum LX: “Harmonic Filter DC Bus Voltage Imbalance”
The 1/2 DC link voltage magnitude will remain within
± 50VDC of the total DC link voltage divided by two during
the precharge interval for both 60 and 50 Hz 519 filters. If
not, the Quantum
LX panel will display the message Fault 75.
The 1/2 DC link voltage magnitude will remain within ± 50
VDC of the total DC link voltage divided by two for both 60
and 50 Hz 519 filters. If the 1/2 DC link magnitude exceeds
this ± 50 volt window, the unit will trip and the Quantum
panel will display the message Fault 75.
The Filter DC link is filtered by large, electrolytic capacitors
which are rated for 450 VDC. These capacitors are wired in
series to achieve a 900 VDC capability for the DC link. It is
important that the voltage be shared equally from the junction
of the center or series capacitor connection, to the negative
bus and to the positive bus. This center point should be ap-
proximately ½ of the total DC link voltage. Verify the problem
truly exists using a pair of digital meters, measuring from the
series capacitor connection point (wire 525A) to the positive
bus (wire 526A), and from the series capacitor connection point
to the negative bus (wire 524A). When the filter precharge
relay engages, both voltage readings should come up together,
and have a value that is within ± 50 VSD of each other. If you
find the voltages are equal, you likely have a problem with the
filter bus isolator board, the filter logic board, or the wiring/
connectors between them. Check the voltages at the input to
the filter logic board, J5 pin 4 to J5 pin 5 and J5 pin 5 to J5 pin
6. The voltages should be approximately equal. If they are not,
the likely cause is a bad isolator board or a loose connection.
If they are balanced, the filter logic board should be replaced.
If the voltages are not equal, check the wiring between the
bleeder resistors 12RES and 13RES and the filter power unit.
Also check the value of these resistors. They should be 3000
ohms nominally. If no problem can be found by performing
these steps, replace the filter power unit.
Fault 76: Harmonic Filter 110% Input Current Overload
Quantum: “Fault 76”
Quantum LX: “Harmonic Filter 110% Input Current Overload”
The overload threshold and timer functions reside in soft-
ware on the Harmonic Filter’s Logic board. The unit’s three
phases of RMS output current are compared to the overload
threshold magnitude. If this threshold is exceeded for 40
seconds the unit will trip and the Quantum
LX panel will
display the message Fault 76. The nominal RMS current trip
levels are set at 110% of the maximum expected RMS input
current when running at 100% FLA and are as follows: 305
Hp (60 Hz) / 292 Hp (50 Hz) = 128 Amps.
Fault 77: Harmonic Filter Run Signal
Quantum: “Fault 77”
Quantum LX: “Harmonic Filter Run Signal Fault”
When a digital run command is received at the filter logic
board from the Vyper
Logic board via the 16 position rib-
bon cable, a 1/10 second timer is begun. A redundant run
command must also occur on the serial data link from the
Logic board via the ribbon cable before the timer
expires. If not, the Vyper
will be shut down and this Fault
message will be displayed. If this shutdown occurs, check the
integrity of the 16-wire ribbon cable installed between the
Logic board and the Filter Logic board. If the prob-
lem persists, replace the Vyper
Logic board. If the problem
remains, replace the Filter logic board.
Fault 81: Interface Board NovRAM Failure
(Warning Only)
Quantum: “Fault 81”
Quantum LX: “VSD Interface Board NovRAM Failure (Warn-
ing Only)”
The integrity of the
NovRAM is verified on every power-
up. A known value is written to a specified location in
NovRAM, read back from that location, and compared to the
value originally written. If the two values do not match, the
NovRAM Failure fault is set.
Fault 82: Interface Board Motor Current Limit Override
(Warning Only)
Quantum: “Fault 82”
Quantum LX: Interface Board Motor Current Limit Override
(Warning Only)
This warning is indicated whenever the Frick Interface Board
is operating under Current Limit Override. If the Run Com-
mand signal is disengaged, any current limit in effect will be
cancelled. If the Run Command signal is engaged, the actual
speed command is set to the initial speed command, and the
Motor Current is monitored every two seconds. If the Motor
Current rises above 103%, the unit enters current limit and
a warning condition will be set. Thereafter, as long as the
Motor Current stays above 100%, the actual speed command
will be reduced by 6 RPM every two seconds. Once the Mo-
tor Current falls below 100%, the actual speed command is
increased by 6 RPM every two seconds, until the actual speed
command falls within ± 6 RPM of the initial speed command,
when it is set to the initial speed command once again and
the warning is cleared. The actual speed command is used
to set the Quantum
LX Vyper
operating speed.
Fault 83: Harmonic Filter Serial Communication
(Warning Only)
Quantum: “Fault 83”
Quantum LX: “ Harmonic Filter Serial Communication (Warn-
ing Only)”