100.200-IOM (SEP 13)
Page 50
This control strategy is a variation on the generic control
strategy shown previously. Not all applications require or are
suitable for the very low speeds obtainable by the Vyper
drive. Many times the motor is the limiting factor as it may
not be suitable for 20% speed but is capable of 50% speed.
For these applications, the settings within the Quantum
can assure that the motor never runs slower than the allow-
able minimum speed.
The Variable Speed Minimum Slide Valve Position of
25% is a factory default value based on the minimum
slide valve position at 50% speed.
The VSD logic board is equipped with a set of eight (8) DIP
switches (
SW3), 1, that configure the RS-485 communica
tion between the logic board and Quantum
LX Panel as
well as the optional harmonic filter board. The logic board
is mounted inside the Vyper
cabinet. Refer to Figure 55.
The first seven switches in SW3 configure MODBUS com-
munication address with the Quantum
LX Panel. To config-
ure the switches for proper communication, set switches 1
through 6 to the “OFF” position. Place switch 7 in the “ON”
position. The resulting MODBUS address is “0x40”. Refer
to Figure 55.
Figure 55 - Vyper Logic Board
Switch 8 on SW3 allows harmonic filter communication.
Verify switch 8 is in the “ON” position to allow proper com-
munication. Refer to Figure 56.
Figure 56 - Logic Board SW3
In addition to the eight DIP switches on SW3, jumper JP3
must be installed in order for Vyper
control to be set at
‘Refrigeration’ mode. Refer to callout 1 on Figure 57 for the
location of JP3 on the logic board.
Figure 57 - Vyper Logic Board
There is also a DIP switch to select 60Hz or 50Hz, depending
on the application. Ensure that it is properly set. See callout
2 on Figure 57.
The final item for
setup of the Vyper
is adjusting the Job
FLA via trim pot on the Vyper
Logic board. The trim pot
sets a value for the Job Full Load Amps (FLA). The adjust-
ment is
performed at two locations; the first is the
trim pot
on the logic board mounted on the right door of the Vyper
cabinet. See Figure 58.
Figure 58 - Logic Board Inside Right Cabinet Door