070.410-IOM (JAN 12)
Page 23
between the separator shell and compressor casting. Make
sure the weight is held safely by the separator shell. Loosen
the compressor discharge flange bolts to relax any flange
and pipe stress, then carefully remove the motor. Similarly,
before removing the compressor for servicing, the back end
of the motor must be supported to prevent damage. Again,
insert either blocks or a jack between the rear of the motor
and the separator shell.
When replacing or repairing components which are exposed
to refrigerant, proceed as follows:
1. Push
key to shut down the unit.
2. Open disconnect switches for compressor motor starter
and oil pump motor starter (if applicable).
3. Isolate the package by closing all package valves to the
system. Tag all closed valves.
Open any solenoid valves or other
valves that may trap liquid
between the isolation valves and
other package valves to prevent injury or damage to
vent separator to low-side system pressure using
the suction check valve bypass.
NOTE: Recover or transfer
all refrigerant vapor, in accordance with local ordinances,
before opening to atmosphere. The separator MUST be
equalized to atmospheric pressure.
Oil entrained refrigerant may vapor-
ize, causing a separator pressure
increase. Repeat transfer and recov-
ery procedure, if necessary.
5. Make replacement or repair.
6. Isolate the low pressure transducer, PE-4, to prevent dam-
age during pressurization and leak test.
7. Pressurize unit and leak test.
8. Evacuate unit to 29.88" Hg (1000 microns).
9. Open all valves previously closed and reset solenoid valves
to automatic position. Remove tags.
10. Close disconnect switches for compressor motor starter
and oil pump motor starter, if applicable.
11. Unit is ready to put into operation.
Use of oil filters other than Frick may
cause warranty claim to be denied.
To change the filter proceed as follows:
1. Push
key to shut down the unit. Open disconnect
switches for the compressor.
2. Isolate the package by closing all package valves to the
system. Tag all closed valves.
Open any sole noid valves or other
valves that may trap liquid between
the isolation valves and other pack-
age valves to prevent injury or damage to components.
vent separator to low-side system pressure using
the suction check valve bypass.
NOTE: Recover or transfer
all refrigerant vapor, in accor dance with local ordinances,
before opening to atmo sphere.
The separa tor
equal ized to atmo spher ic pres sure.
Oil entrained refriger ant may vapor-
ize, causing a separa tor pressure
increase. Repeat transfer and recov-
ery procedure, if neces sary.
3. Remove spin-on oil filter element and discard.
4. Replace with new oil filter element. Make finger tight plus
an additional half turn.
5. Isolate the low pressure transducer, PE-4, to prevent dam-
age during pressurization and leak test.
6. Pressurize and leak test. Evacuate unit to 29.88" Hg (1000
7. Open the suction and discharge service valves, and the
low pressure transducer. Close discon nect switches for the
compressor. Start the unit.
Use of filter elements other than
Frick may cause warranty claim to
be denied.
To change the filter cartridge proceed as follows:
1. If a single oil filter is installed, push
key to shut
down the unit. Open disconnect switches for the compressor
and (if applicable) oil pump motor starters.
2. Close discharge service valve.
vent the separa-
tor to low-side system pressure using the suction check
valve bypass. Close suction valve and suction check valve
NOTE: Recover or transfer all refrigerant vapor,
in accordance with local ordinances, before opening to
atmosphere. The oil filter cartridge MUST be equalized
to atmospheric pressure before opening.
Oil-entrained refrigerant may vapor-
ize, causing a pressure increase.
Repeat venting and recovery proce-
dure, if necessary.
3. Close oil filter isolation valves. Open drain valve on oil filter
head and drain the oil. Remove the canister cover. Discard
the cartridge and gasket.
4. Flush the filter body with clean Frick refrigeration oil;
wipe dry with a clean, lint-free cloth; and close drain valve.
5. Place a new cartridge in the filter canister. Replace the
gasket and spring and reinstall the canister cover. Torque
cover bolts in sequence to: a. Finger tight
b. 17 ft-lb
c. 35 ft-lb
6. Isolate the low pressure transducer, PE-4, to prevent dam-
age during pressurization and leak test.
7. Pressurize and leak test. Evacuate the unit to 29.88" hg
(1000 microns).
8. Add 2 gallons of oil by attaching a suitable pressure-type
hose to the oil-charging valve located on top of the separator.
Use a pressure-type oil pump and recommended Frick oil.
9. Open the suction and discharge service valves, oil filter
isolation valves, and the low pressure transducer. Readjust