Low Profile Weigh Scale
9. Maintenance, Inspection & Test
Joerns Healthcare recommends that a thorough inspection and test of all Oxford lifts and lifting
accessories is carried out every six months. Joerns Healthcare recommends maintenance,
inspection and certified testing, is only carried out by a competent service provider. Refer to the
Lift user manual for a checklist of items to be inspected and tested.
Important Note (European Requirement Only):
The Oxford Weigh scale is a Class III compliant weighing device and conforms to the NAWI
Directive 90/384/EEC and has been certified by the National Weights and Measures Laboratory,
certification number UK2858.
The Oxford Low Profile Scale has been calibrated for the first twelve months use. Joerns
Healthcare’s advice is that you contact your local trading standards or government authority for
your nearest authorised body who can advise upon recalibration.
Servicing, Repairs, Inspections and Testing:
Joerns Healthcare has an established network of reputable distributors and service technicians
who will be pleased to handle all your purchasing, warranty, repair and maintenance inquiries.
10. Warranty
The Oxford digital weigh scale is guaranteed against manufacturing defects and failures for a
period of twelve months from the date of purchase. The warranty is limited to the cost of replacing
the scale with a new scale.
Failure to comply with Joerns Healthcare’s recommendations for maintenance, inspection and test
requirements on page 11 may result in your warranty being invalid.
If you are in doubt where your purchase was made, Joerns Healthcare can trace the supplier if
you quote the serial number of the scale. It is the last four digits referenced after the text “OXF-
SCALE-LP” located on the serial number label on the underneath side of the scale.
REMEMBER: Contact your distributor or Joerns Healthcare for purchases, warranty
repairs, servicing and certified maintenance.