temperature, if the temperature sensor is open or short, it will display “E1” (Fig. 4). The “
” means
that system is under standby status, the preheating and circulation cleaning is not working and
1.2 Under standby status, press“
” key to go into turning on status.
1.3 Under turning on status, press “
” key to go into stand by status, LCD will show difference for
the two status.
The operation of “keypad lock function”(It is effective when B2=OFF)
2.1 Without any operation in 30 minutes or click “
” key, they key lock function will be
2.2 If the keypad lock function is working(LCD display locked), click the “
” key two times to
disable it and the “locked” symbol will disappear.
3. The operation of LED light
3.1 When A3=ON: Click “
” key to turn on or turn off the LED light. The output voltage is 12VAC
and two wires.
3.2 When A3=OFF: Firstly click “
” key to turn on the LED light, the color will change slowly;
Secondly click “
” key to fix color; Thirdly click “
” key to turn off the LED light. The output
voltage is 12VDC and 4 wires.
4. The operation of preheating
4.1 When A1=ON, the real clock and preheating setting time are same, when there is water in the
SPA, the preheating will start, the circulation pump and heater will automatically turn on. LCD will
display the finish time of preheating.
4.2 When the preheating is working, if the displayed finish time is ended, the system will
automatically finish preheating. The user could also press “
” key o turn off the preheating.
5. Long circulation and specified period circulation cleaning:
5.1 Press “
” to start long circulation cleaning at any time.
5.2 When A2=ON, the real clock and circulation cleaning setting time are same, if there is water in
SPA, the specified period circulation cleaning will start.
5.3 When the circulation cleaning start up, all the surfing pump and blower will automatically work
15s and then shut up, the circulation pump and ozone will start as well. The ozone will work 15
minutes and then turn off.
5.4 When any surfing pump or blower is working, the ozone can’t work; When the circulation pump
is turned off, the ozone also can’t work.
5.5 During the circulation cleaning working period, press “
“ key to turn off the circulation
6. Anti-freezing function
6.1 When the water temperature T<6.7 , the anti-freezing function will start up. The heater and
circulation pump will automatically start to heat the water.When T>7.8 , the anti-freezing function
will stop working and not heat the water.
6.2 This function will be effective when the system is powered on.