Config. Audio Lvls.(3,2) - Audio levels for each phone line input
and output can be set here. The Audio Levels menu allows you
to adjust levels of audio in 1dB increments over a +/- 10dB
range. You may adjust the levels of the Send inputs as well as
the Caller outputs.
Config. Audio Lvls. Send(3,2,1) - Send input levels can be set
here for each line independently or all lines. The settings from
this menu affect the independent Send input as well as the
Master Send for the selected line(s).
Config. Audio Lvls. Caller(3,2,2) - Caller output levels can be set
here for each line independently or all lines.
Config. Master Send(3,3) - This menu gives you the ability to turn
the Master Send on or off for each line independently or all
phone lines.
Config. Calibration(3,4) - Here you have the ability to send a
1kHz test tone down the phone line(s) and out the output jacks.
You may turn the tone on or off for each line independently or for
all lines. This is not required for setting the null. This tone is only
used for your convenience in setting your equipment audio
Conference(3,5) - This menu allows you to configure settings for
the Conference feature on the innkeeper 2.
Conf. Send Mix Mode(3,5,1) - Configure the Send Mix Mode to
"Send Mix" default or "No Mix". The "Send Mix" default option
mixes both the Line 1 Send and Line 2 Send audio signals
together and sends that audio down both phone lines. The "No
Mix" option does not mix these signals together. Line 1 Send
audio will only go to phone line 1 and Line 2 Send audio will only
go to line 2. You may still use the Master Send input to send a
common audio signal to both phone lines.
Conf. Caller Mix Mode(3,5,2) - Configure the Caller Mix Mode to
"No Mix" default, "Caller Mix" or "Full Mix Minus". The "No Mix"
Operation (cont)