PDL5 User Manual
PDL5-UM-00001 Rev 001
Response messages are always terminated with the sequence <LF> and, if the
response is being sent through the GPIB, the EOI signal is set to true when the
last character in a response is sent.
If an attempt is made to read the output queue when it is empty and the
current program message does not contain a query, a query error bit is set.
Error Queue
The error queue is where error messages are stored and it can contain up to 10
messages. Because it is a FIFO queue, the error returned when the error queue
is read is always the first error that occurred.
If more than 10 errors are put in the error queue, an overflow error occurs and
the last error in the queue is overwritten with error number -350 (Queue
Overflow). Each error in the queue consists of an error number and a brief error
Description of Error Numbers
No error
No error has occurred.
Command error
A command error was detected, but the parser cannot be more specific.
Suffix error
An error was detected in the suffix sent with the command, but the parser
cannot be more specific.
Parameter error
An error was detected in a parameter, but the control block cannot be more