With google voice assistant you can have access to many voice-command functions, to acti-
vate the assistant just press the button as from image to left.
To make the best use of voice commands you need to put the radio online (with phone
hotspots or SIM), however you can use a part of the offline commands.
Here are the most common commands:
-GOOD MORNING- The good morning routine reproduces the weather forecast, the journey to work (if set
to maps) and the latest news, this routine can be modified by the settings of the voice commands.
-TAKE ME TO:... .. - With this command we can give our assistant a destination that will be set to maps, so
you can start the navigator to the desired destination
-LET ME LISTEN RADIO.....-Simply by calling the name of the FM station the assistant will open the web ra-
dio by tuning in to the requested broadcaster. TUNEIN must be installed for this function
-CALL.......- If we have our contacts on Google, it will be possible to make a phone call simply by asking the
assistant to call a certain person or number.
-LET ME HEAR THE LATEST NEWS- The assistant will make us listen to the most up-to-date news.
If we want to make offline voice calls, we recommend downloading your phone book in the
bluetooth section and installing a "Voice Call" application.
To make the call, press the button and say only the name of the person to call.
the navigator already presents by default HERE WE
contains preloaded maps inside the ra-
dio memory, as a result the red writing "offline" will appear to clarify that it will continue to work even
without Wi-Fi network.
to access the menu press on the three
horizontal lines in the upper left
-Opens the main map
-Opens navigation
-Favorites (must be logged in)
-Use the navigator in the absence of a
WARNING: to use preloaded maps
this box must remain selected
-Download/update maps on the radio
-Advanced settings
To set a navigation path, simply type the address in full in the top bar, and then press the en-
try below DIRECTIONS select a path and press START. If the navigator does not "speak" download an item
from the Advanced Settings menu, select ITEM SETTINGS, select the item you want to download.
To set the night vision enter the advanced settings then select DAY/NIGHT VIEW.
On some models (equipped with micro-SD slots) you can insert a micro-SD card into the MAP
slot and upload offline maps to it. To have the SD card inserted and open the settings section, select Stor-
age Memory, and select the Storage SD card.
To be able to browse using a SIM, simply insert
a SIM card in the Mini SIM 25X15mm format
with available data traffic. After a few seconds,
the receive field report should appear as shown.