Luxmeter sensor
Ref :
472 066
1 General
The purpose of the sensor is to measure the intensity of light in a medium. It
is totally suitable for experiments on metabolism with the bioreactor, for
example the study of photosynthesis in chlorophyll plants.
Connector for
(Primo, VTT,
2 Use
2.1 Interfaces
The sensor operates with the VTT
console (or ESAO PRIMO or SYNEO)
2.2 Connection of the sensor to the VTT
The sensor is connected using the connector located on the rear panel of the
unit :
Align the sensor with the selected measuring channel
Engage the sensor on the console guide
Follow the guiding system of the VTT
Push it well home
2.3 Bringing into service with VTT
- Connect the sensor
- Switch on the VTT
If the sensor is not recognised, update your VTT console connected to the
PC with the diskette, using the Espace-VTT software :
- Connect the console to your PC
Sensitive area
Of the Sensor