Once in desired position, tighten off the flue brace bracket and use self-tap screws (supplied) to fix
off the Safety Vent AIR pipe. The 50mm gap between a combustible ceiling and the Safety Vent AIR
pipe can be covered using a steel ceiling ring flush to the ceiling with no airgap required. (See FIG 3)
Connec�ng VisionLINE AIR pipe
Once the flue brace bracket is secure and in place, you can now start to a�ach further lengths of
pipe to continue and penetrate the roof. VisionLINE safety vent AIR is a twist lock flue, sections
should be pushed together and then ensured they are twisted into the locked position. VisionLINE
safety vent AIR CANNOT be cut, if you require smaller sections, please contact your distributor.
Roof Penetration
Once the safety vent AIR flue has passed though the roof, the roof stabiliser bracket must be used (see
FIG 4)
At the roof level, use appropriate flashing to weather seal the penetration. (Not supplied)
Continue to the safety vent AIR pipe past the roof penetration until the height satisfies AS/NZS 2918
(Refer to FIG 1)
This VisionLINE Safety Vent AIR pipe system can run at a height of 3 meters past the flue bracing
bracket without the need for further bracing. Pipe running past this distance will require further
Once the height is achieved, the flue cap can be fi�ed off by twist locking into place. (FIG 5)
FIG 5.
Air flue
support 2